Open Access Journal focused on International Relations Yearly issue: ISSN: 2067-1253

Short presentation

ANNALS OF UNIVERSITY OF ORADEA. SERIES INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND EUROPEAN STUDIES is an academic journal edited by the Department of International Relations and European Studies of the University of Oradea in collaboration with the Institute for Euroregional Studies.

Our mission is to contribute to national and international academic debates in international relations, by publishing theoretical and empirical analyses with a vast array of topics, but prioritizing articles on current debates and interdisciplinary analyses.

As an open access journal, we assume the commitment to put the research published by our journal at the disposal of the readers, without any restrictions and also with the possibility to consult and reuse the content without any legal, financial, technical or organizational barriers, according to the Declaration of Berlin.

The journal applies the Creative Commons “Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND” license to all published materials, as long as the Annals of University of Oradea. Series of International Relations and European Studies are mentioned as the source. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

The journal first appears in 2009 as a contribution to the development of the curricula and the research programs in international relations and European Studies, the journal aims to offer a space for interdisciplinary analyses for young as well as for established researchers.

The main research topics covered by the Annals of University of Oradea. Series International Relations and European Studies started from the border studies in international relations and the European space, given that this is the main research direction of the Department of International Relations and European Studies. Additionally, journal publishes contributions from other traditional areas of international relations - theories of international relations, security, as well as contributions related to socio-economic and cultural aspects, such as multiculturalism or integration of minorities.

With its diverse profile, the journal is addressed to academia, civil society, as well as to the public sector, as it offers expertise on different aspects related to international relations.

The journal is published yearly as an open access journal in English and does not charge any publishing fees.

The Annals of University of Oradea. Series International Relations and European Studies is indexed in ERIHPLUS, IndexCopernicus Journal Master List, CEEOL, EBSCOHost, DOAJ.